Creative Welly Episode #48 | Hannah Wignall & Craig Mildenhall

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Hannah Wignall, Senior System Development Manager, Te Whatu Ora & Womens Development Officer, Seatoun A.F.C

I was born and raised in Manchester, moving to Aotearoa as a lively teenager. When I asked to describe myself at ten years old, I conjured up “sporty, annoying and hungry”. I’ve always been energetic and curious and my desire to understand and bring people together has put me in good stead as I move through the world.

I have a PGDip in Public Health and have worked in many parts of the health system, grappling with the challenge of providing equitable and effective healthcare for our communities. Over the last nine years I have delivered and supported TEDxWellington in various capacities and the continued exposure to unique and innovative ideas has been instrumental to my professional life.

The thing that excites me the most at the moment is football and creating a thriving women’s football community in Wellington.

Craig Mildenhall, Head of Digital at Kowtow Clothing

Craig is a proud Wellingtonian, brings over two decades of expertise in loyalty, retail, eCommerce, and digital marketing strategies. Having worked with renowned brands like Fly Buys, Adidas, and Icebreaker, he now serves as the Head of Digital at Kowtow Clothing, based in his hometown of Wellington.

With a profound understanding of the values instilled by sports, Craig constantly seeks to merge the worlds of business and sports. Immersed in the sports environment at adidas, he drew inspiration from the All Blacks, infusing his work with their winning mindset.

As a leader, Craig strives to cultivate a team environment that encourages courage, humility, and focus, propelling the team towards collective success.

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Creative Welly Episode #43 | Tania Anderson & Nick Fox

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Tania Anderson, System participatory designer and Hoa Haere (learning partner)

Tania is a puppy mum, recently a wife to a wonderful husband, obsessed with food and cooking for loved ones and has a hobby of acquiring new hobbies. She geeks out about complex systems and shifting them towards a world that lives below the ecological ceiling and above the social floor.

They are an interdisciplinary system and participatory designer and recovering project and change manager. Creating solutions and embedding change for social outcomes and impact. Believing that compassion, evidence and lived experience leadership are key to co-creating change and making a real difference with people.

Nick Fox, Founder, Jumping Fox Interactive Ltd

Nick is the Founder and CEO of Jumping Fox Interactive – a salesmaking consulting company – working with B2B sales organisations and helping them get fit for a digital-first world.

He has made his career within and then leading B2B sales and marketing teams. Just prior to starting Jumping Fox, Nick had worked at New Zealand Post. First as GM of Customer Experience – looking after all customer-facing aspects of the business, including sales, marketing, and digital channels. And then as GM of Digital Platforms. As part of the digital role, Nick went to the at Stanford University to learn and apply user-centred design techniques. He’s been back a number of times since to speak – and is now also a design thinking coach.

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Creative Welly Episode #39 | Kristen Lunman & Tim Pointer

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Kristen Lunman, Serial Entrepneur

As a Canadian-Kiwi, I’m comfortable feeling like a newbie and being the most curious at the table. For as long as I remember, I wanted to challenge the status quo, leading me to circles of like-minded entrepreneurs. Those that seek to deliver a vision of a different world.

My superpowers tend to lean in the area of growth and leadership. Until last year, it was at Hatch and more recently a new venture called Powrsuit. When I look at the stats of women in positions of influence in business, it’s dire. 8% of big companies have women at the helm, and we have less than 30% board representation. Powrsuit exists to amplify the impact of women leaders to shape the future of work. When I do have spare time, it’s spent with my teens or on a surfboard in freezing cold Lyall Bay.

Tim Pointer, Founder at & CEO at Reason

Tim has 15+ years in the digital advertising industry and is the Co-founder of one of NZ’s largest digital advertising agencies Reason with over 50 staff across the region. He’s most recently the Founder of, a technology solution that saves a lot of marketing spend by fixing tracking and conversion issues.

His businesses have been some of Asia Pacific’s fastest growing digital companies, having been recognised in the Deloitte Fast50 and Asia Fast500 Growth.

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Creative Welly Episode #38 | Antonia Milkop & Dion Howard

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Antonia Milkop, Director, Antonia Milkop Coaching & Facilitation

Antonia runs her own coaching and facilitation practice, with 20 years previous experience in roles throughout the public sector both in NZ and the UK (data, policy, strategy, service design, programme management and people management roles).

Antonia’s mission in life is being a catalyst to ignite potential in others so they can make more of a positive impact in the work they do, and use their strengths to do so. She is passionate about bringing about positive change in organisational cultures, supporting leaders and their teams to bring out the best in their people and produce great results in their work.

Dion Howard, Director / Registered Nurse

I am a Registered Nurse, with a speciality in adolescent mental health, and I have a photobooth business, which I have designed, developed and deployed. Between these two roles, I like to think that I work with people at the best and the hardest moments of their lives.

I have had a crazy amount of different jobs and adventures – sales and marketing fair trade coffee, massage therapist, wedding photographer, tour guide, fundraiser, film festival producer, educational film director, and ironically , at this point of time, among other tasks, an assessor for adult ADHD!

At the same time, my consistent, if not full time, place of contribution for the last 25 years has been in the public health system, with a strongly developed specialty in adolescent mental health. I have been privileged to acquire some wonderfully useful skills that have helped people on their way through very difficult times. I think I do somewhat consider my role as a ‘healer’, but that sounds rather grandiose. Mostly, it’s my privilege to be allowed into peoples lives while healing occurs.

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Creative Welly Episode #25 | Isabella Cawthorn & Richard Shirtcliffe

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Isabella Cawthorn, Editor, Talk Wellington

Isabella has been meddling, influencing and generally making good change in urban spaces for 20-odd years. Her chequered career includes co-founding Frocks On Bikes, doing community engagement on windfarm construction and street improvement projects, editing Talk Wellington, briefing local government candidates on elementary urbanism, helping establish NZ’s tactical urbanism programme, and facilitating rapprochement between local councils’ community development and infrastructure teams.

She’s a 1.5-generation Pākehā from Porirua. Find her on dancefloors, drinking coffee, and striking up conversations on trains.

Richard Shirtcliffe, Story-teller / WildClean Executive Janitor

I’m really just a story-teller, with a passion for building disruptive ‘triple bottom line’ brands.

My kids are my north star, and back in 2018 I watched as they paddled through a sea of waste plastic while learning to surf. Since then I’ve been on a mish to Un-muck Their World. To create businesses that trash the status quo; eliminate single-use plastic; and transform categories by delivering better products in a better way. – the world’s first plastic-negative cleaning co – is the latest.

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Creative Welly Episode #17 | Victoria Spackman & Mark Bradford

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Victoria Spackman ONZM

Victoria Spackman ONZM is an independent director and leader based in Wellington, New Zealand. She is recognised as one of New Zealand’s most influential business women and advocates for the creative and arts sectors. She is currently Chair of high-growth trans-Tasman technology company Ackama Group, on the Board and Audit and Risk Committee of Manapou ki te Ao Education New Zealand (a Ministerial appointment) and is chairing the interim establishment board of the Toi Mai Workforce Development Council, which serves the creative, cultural, technology and recreation sectors.

Recent executive roles include Manager Legal and Procurement of Greater Wellington Regional Council and founding executive Director of Te Auaha New Zealand Institute of Creativity, where she established a tertiary education facility teaching 1000+ students every year in the creative industries including film, music, theatre, writing, dance, digital media and more. Prior to that, Victoria was Chief Executive of Gibson Group, one of New Zealand’s largest and longest standing screen and visitor experience production companies which exports to Australia, China, America, Europe and beyond. Victoria led a management buyout of that company in 2014 and remains a shareholder and director.

Dr Mark Bradford, Senior Lecturer, Massey University, Ngā Pae Māhutonga Wellington School of Design

Dr Mark Bradford is a designer and academic at Massey University, Ngā Pae Māhutonga Wellington School of Design in Wellington, New Zealand. Mark has a PhD in Business from Massey Business School.

His interdisciplinary research investigates how design(ing) action is increasingly enacted relationally between people. Through his PhD research process – inspired by the Japanese martial art of Aikidō – he designed the ‘BeWeDō® framework.’ BeWeDō is a unique way of enabling people to feel heard through designing inclusive spaces where physical movement amplifies thinking, enriches exchange and transforms conversations into action. Everyone’s voice matters.

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Creative Welly Episode #16 | Natasha Zimmerman & Ben Preston

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Natasha Zimmerman, Meaning Maker

Natasha is the founder and creative force behind Unchatter, an organisation focused on bringing meaningful connection to the world. She creates spaces where small talk is banned and an array of thoughtfully curated exercises get participants to dig deep.

Natasha’s fab accent will tell you from the US, where she was a healthcare executive before coming to NZ to pursue her PhD at the University of Canterbury. Her current research is centered on belonging and connection in organisations, and she loves finding the juicy intersection of science, humanism, and practical application.

When she’s not engaged in a deep conversation, you’ll find Natasha getting lost in a good book, looking at the moon, organizing things for fun, and baking ridiculous cakes. She’s an old soul, an introvert, and a poetry zealot. Natasha lives in Christchurch with her joy-givers: her partner Hassan and her baby boy Bodhi.

Ben Preston, Independent Creative Consultant + Project Director at MOTIF

As an engineering technologist and regenerative practitioner, Ben supports revitalisation of the life-giving patterning in social, environmental and economic systems in business and place-based design.

This involves placing living, ecological processes of environments and cultures at the core of project team operations, engaging new forms of collaboration, procurement and design that are inclusive and holistic, and re-integrating individuals and groups in the re-patterning processes of their surroundings.

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Creative Welly Episode #13 | Mayu Suzuki & Trent Yeo

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Mayu Suzuki – Petite Queen Bee of mariri New Zealand / JFW organiser

Mayu is a bridge between Japan and New Zealand – or at least that’s my goal! During the day I am a Mānuka honey expert gifting New Zealand Taonga to Japanese customers on e-commerce, I also organise one of the biggest cultural events “Japan Festival Wellington”.

As a Japanese-Kiwi, I am passionate about culture and identity issues. My mission is to connect Japan and New Zealand in all business, culture, sports and all sectors.

Trent Yeo – Loves team sports

Trent is Executive Director of Ziptrek Ecotours in Queenstown. Ziptrek is an adventure ecotourism zipline business that utilises the power of adventure to help create meaningful memories of place.

Ziptrek is a long time communicator about The Natural Step and now a Future-Fit Pioneer. Ziptrek’s business model assists tens of thousands of guests to learn about sustainability.

Trent is also an ex TEDx event organiser, once produced an online vodcast about NZ for China travellers, represents on board of Tourism Industry Aotearoa and co-starter of Startup Queenstown Lakes.

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Creative Welly Episode #9 | Janelle (Jay) Fenwick & Tom Probert

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Janelle (Jay) Fenwick, Founder – Teulo CPD Education Platform 

Janelle Fenwick is an incredibly passionate, high-achieving entrepreneur, mother and founder of the architectural brainchild Teulo.

She began her career in insurance, but with a background in the arts, it wasn’t long until creativity changed her trajectory. With a reputation for seeing the world through a lens of endless possibilities and more than 15 years experience working in positions ranging from business development to National Sales Manager, Janelle thrives in the start-up space and has embraced innovation and technology with every step of her exceptional career.

Teulo is the perfect fusion of Janelle’s two creative loves – design and businesses – and since launching, the online digital / webinar platform has continued to grow, challenging the status quo and raising the technology bar on CPD learning while filling the communications gap between architects, designers and builders to ultimately evolve the industry towards our digital futures.

Tom Probert, Head of Marketing and Innovation – Powershop

Now in his third stint in Welly, Tom returned from the UK in 2016 to head up Sales, Marketing and Design at Powershop.

After a short stint as Head of Marketing at Contact Energy in 2019 he returned to Powershop to continue the fight to disrupt the energy category.

His diverse career to date has spanned Sales, Marketing and Product Development across everything from Chocolate, Toothpaste and Ice Cream to Plumbing, Drainage and Electricity.

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Creative Welly Episode #8 | Lindy Nelson & Clive Spink

Courageous conversations with bold humans (from the most creative little capital in the world).

Lindy Nelson, Founded AWDTNZ and AmplyfyingUs: a Podcast in service to the mission.

Food producer, AWDT Founder, Researcher, and ardent supporter of women. She is a visionary leader who has followed her heart-unafraid to tackle challengers and is driven to make a difference to the NZ Primary Industry.

Creating the Agri Women’s Development Trust has led to a transformation in NZ’s food and agricultural sector through unleashing the talent of women.

She believes women hold the key to supporting and leading much of the change that needs to happen globally, and is active around the world supporting women’s empowerment. She has spoken at APEC as well as offering strategic advice to the Scottish Government on empowering women in agriculture.

She is a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to agriculture and women, 2013 Next Business Woman of the Year and named by Primary Magazine as one of the top ten women in agriculture.

Clive Spink, Chief Executive Pūkeko Pictures

Clive Spink is the Chief Executive Officer of Pukeko Pictures.  He is responsible for the growth of the business and its development and production momentum. 

Clive has over 25 years experience in major commercial deal structuring across multiple industries and regions.

His role at Pukeko involves leading and shaping of all major commercial transactions, he serves as an Executive Producer for Thunderbirds, WotWots, Kiddets and is responsible for setting and executing strategies.

During his time at Pukeko he has lead the establishment of a number of global firsts including the first ever Co Production between China and the world, and then extending this to the first Official three way Co Production between China, Canada and NZ.

Clive is a chartered Accountant and a member of Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand.

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